Mastering the Eleven Steps To Nuclear Survival

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The survival of individuals will depend upon the preparation that each person makes. Any person that is ready to take the right action before and following an attack will increase their chances of survival. This pamphlet describes what you can do before and following a nuclear attack.

The details..

In '11 Steps to Survival', the Department of National Defense offers guidance on preparing for a possible nuclear attack in Canada. The booklet emphasizes that while governments are making preparations at all levels, individual preparation is crucial for personal survival. It describes what Canadians can do before and after an attack by outlining eleven steps to increase chances of survival.

'11 Steps' explains the effects of a nuclear explosion in three forms - light and heat, blast, and radiation - depending on various conditions such as weather or terrain. For example, it illustrates that skin up to 15 miles from an air burst could be badly burned by its heat flash; buildings within five miles from its centre would suffer complete destruction due to its blast wave; radioactive fallout poses danger over most parts of Canada following any form of explosion.

To mitigate these risks, readers are advised on practical measures they can take such as knowing warning signals with battery-powered radios; taking shelter properly during explosions; having emergency supplies ready for fourteen days post-attack; preventing fires through proper home maintenance practices like clearing gutters regularly etc.; learning first aid techniques along with maintaining hygiene standards;

Additionally,'11 Steps' suggests being aware of municipal plans regarding evacuation routes or designated shelters nearby while also creating personalized family plans beforehand which include communication protocols among members if separated during attacks. While this book was written specifically about surviving a nuclear war threat in Canada during the Cold War era when tensions were high between superpowers,it still contains valuable information applicable today given our unpredictable world.

Resource Info

Page count: 25
Size: 949kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills